Author: Harper Kingsley

The idea that the long-term survival goal of humanity is to leave the frakking planet is ludicrous.

There are people out there, right now, that honestly think we should build ark ships in preparation for our inevitable leave-taking. Because we are such cancers on the planet that we’re going to have to flee it like a bad party. After we make sure to double-decker the only toilet and fuck the 99% of people we leave behind, they can pee outside.

And I use “we” in the loosest sense because I’m enough of a realist to know that I’m not going to be one of the lucky folk leaving the planet. I mean, I need glasses to see, I’ll be outside the age bracket before anybody goes anywhere, and my “higher education” involves trying shrooms that one time and freaking out for what felt like two years but was probably only three episodes of The Venture Brothers, which I thought was a good cartoon watching choice for my first hallucinatory journey.

What I’m saying is, I’m not going anywhere. And neither are you.

Like come on, 900-year-old billionaire, they’re really going to take your old ass to space? How fucking useless are you going to be for the future of humanity? “My skills include avoiding corporate accountability and fucking young people for money. You totally need me because, you know, reasons.” No dude, you ain’t going anywhere either, and neither are your grandkids, because they’re probably going to be just as useless as you are.

If I was one of the planners for humanity’s last journey, I would gladly take your money and accept your children/grandchildren/great-grandchildren aboard my ark. Then two minutes out of Earth orbit I’d dump them and they’re genetic contributions out the nearest airlock because isn’t … Read the rest “The idea that the long-term survival goal of humanity is to leave the frakking planet is ludicrous”

Title: Tuesday Night
Author: Harper Kingsley
Setting: Kanon-verse
Genre: superhero, mm


After asking Queen Midnight to babysit Henry for the day, they went to see the apartment. Tony was wearing clothes borrowed from Seth and had spent the night sleeping in one of the spare rooms. He was happy to get out of the Demi Lair and hoped his room would be cleared soon, otherwise he would start feeling as if he were taking advantage of Seth.

From the outside The Archon Complex was a grouping of four bland box buildings that covered a city block and was surrounded by a tall fence. Mounted along the top of the buildings the lethal defenses were hard to recognize. They were ready to take out any interloper not in possession of one of the special RF keyfobs. They were some of the most well-defended buildings in the city. The home of hundreds of superheroes that needed someplace to relax when they were off the clock.

Tony craned his neck to take everything in as he followed Seth passed the unnervingly lethal security checkpoint into the lobby of Building Two.

The Archon was beautiful on the inside. As a kid he’d lived in a tiny walk up apartment with an air conditioner that only worked half the time and a carpet that insisted on smelling faintly of the previous occupants. Once he’d registered to be a superhero he’d moved into dorm housing at the Training Center. This was the kind of place that he’d only dreamed of.

“This place seems like it’s way outside my price range,” he whispered.

Seth slanted him a smile. “Dude, eight hundred a month is in your price range. Just don’t tell anyone else living here what we’re paying.”

Tony thought that he was supposed to … Read the rest “Tuesday Night – Chapter Seven [Kanon, superhero, Sunfire/Teen Steel, mm]”

Title: Tuesday Night
Author: Harper Kingsley
Setting: Kanon-verse
Genre: superhero, mm


Parental leave was not the fun-time vacation he’d imagined it would be. For one thing, there was a needy baby that seemed freaked out about being in a strange environment with strangers. And when Henry David was sleeping–which was a lot–Tony had extra time on his hands where he couldn’t really do anything. There was no leaving the Lair, cranking up music or the TV, and definitely no trips out for half-naked lady chicken wings.

He’d taken to reading the baby books Seth had gotten him.

And that was another difference to his life. Sunfire had become Seth in his mind. They weren’t just teammates anymore. They were *friends*. Secret identity sharing friends.

Tony wasn’t stupid. For the Teen Demis their “secret” identities weren’t all that secret, but they maintained the pretense. The illusion that they would never have to fear a traitor in their midst.

Tony couldn’t help wanting to believe in Seth’s friendship. Especially when he’d had a giant responsibility so unexpectedly thrust upon him. He didn’t think he could handle things alone, and Seth distracted him from his problems.

There was an unhappy wail through the baby monitor and Tony stood. The baby was in his bedroom, where he’d put together a little Henry David corner with a bassinet and toys and a bookcase that he’d repurposed to hold all the baby supplies. It wasn’t the nicest setup, but the baby had everything he needed for the moment.

“*Sh, sh, sh. Shut up you little bastard*.”

Tony turned to look at the baby monitor. Henry David was really wailing now, and under it Tony could hear a harsh voice trying to shush him and promising terrible things.

Someone had Henry David.

His skin rippled … Read the rest “Tuesday Night – Chapter Six [Kanon, superhero, Sunfire/Teen Steel, mm]”

Title: Doggy Style
Author: Sol Crafter
Genre: mm, supernatural romance, urban fantasy, magical realism
Rating: Mature
Warning: Raw Feed
Summary: One minute Zack was uncrating the new shipment. The next minute he’s a dog. At least Sean seems to be a dog person. Now he just has to get Sean to be a Zack person.

I make wishes on the stars all the time. It doesn't seem like a waste to me. Because in the forming of a wish--an idea--a concept of what can be is created. And until a wish is formulated, it's nothing but stardust and fantasy.